Are you an importer based in Switzerland or Liechtenstein and wish to import organic products under the ‘Bud’ trademark?

Frequently asked questions for Swiss importers of BIOSUISSE ORGANIC products
What is Bio Suisse?
Bio Suisse is the leading organic organization in Switzerland and the holder of the registered trademark ‘Bud’. Founded in 1981, the umbrella organization represents the interests of approximately 7'100 Swiss members (farming operations and nurseries).
Over 1000 Swiss processing and trading operations have concluded a trademark licence agreement with Bio Suisse.
Requirements for the importation of ‘Bud’ products: Trademark licence agreement with Bio Suisse
Use of the ‘Bud’ trademark is contingent upon possession of valid organic certification as per the Swiss standard (SR 910.18), in addition to a valid trademark licence agreement with Bio Suisse and compliance with Bio Suisse standards and directives for the production, processing and trade of organic (ecologically produced) products.
Which products can be Bio Suisse certified
Bio Suisse will restrict the use of the 'Bud' logo on products from outside of Switzerland if there is sufficient domestic production or if all of the processing takes place outside of Switzerland. For more information, see the Bio Suisse website under Import requirements.
Must the suppliers and customers of a Bio Suisse certified farming operation also be Bio Suisse certified?
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Products can only be traded as BIOSUISSE ORGANIC in Switzerland if the entire chain of companies involved possess Bio Suisse certification: from the farming operation and storage facilities to the processors, traders and exporters. (See Schoggi in our brochure for an example of a supply chain.)
Contract warehouses must also be inspected according to Bio Suisse standards.
What are the requirements for Bio Suisse certification?
The main requirement for an operation outside of Switzerland to be certified according to Bio Suisse standards is possession of valid certification in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) 834/2007 or an equivalent standard and compliance with the Bio Suisse standards (see the summary of the Bio Suisse standards).
Who carries out Bio Suisse inspections?
Bio Suisse inspections are carried out by the inspection body of the operation to be certified. The operation is the contracting customer for Bio Suisse inspections. The inspection body must hold an inspection contract with ICB AG. If a contracting partner is available in the given country, that inspection body must carry out both EU and Bio Suisse inspections.
A list of our contracting partners can be found here.
Who commissions Bio Suisse inspections and applies for certification?
A. On-site Bio Suisse inspections
The operation commissions its inspection body to carry out Bio Suisse inspections. After the initial inspection, the inspection body sends us the documents required for Bio Suisse certification.

B. Bio Suisse certification through ICB AG
As a rule, the importer applies to us for the Bio Suisse certification of a farming operation. The importer must be a Bio Suisse licensee for the desired products.
Who bears the costs?
The costs for Bio Suisse certification through ICB AG are generally paid by the importer. The importer consents to pay before ICB AG starts processing a certification application for an operation.
The fee schedule can be requested from ICB AG.
How long is the certificate valid?
Bio Suisse certification is based on EU organic certification. Therefore, the inspection date for the EU organic inspection is decisive. From the date of that inspection, the Bio Suisse certificate is generally valid for about 1.5 years.
How often do Bio Suisse inspections and certification take place?
For certification to remain constant, Bio Suisse inspections must take place annually.